Monday, February 16, 2015

Snow School: Snow Day Fun For Homeschoolers!

We are currently bracing for what looks to be the biggest winter storm to hit KY since the 1990's! There's not a loaf of bread, kerosene heater, or snow shovel to be found in stores around here right now. 10"-16" is the latest prediction for our area!

We all know the joke about homeschoolers not getting snow days, but I am proclaiming there's "Snow School" today at our house! ;)

We will hit our most basic subjects, do a quick review of some of last week's work, and then we are going to do some activities related to the snow!

Need some ideas for "Snow School" at your house?

*What is snow? How does it form? Why does it snow? Grab a book and find out! We read this very fun, informative book called It's Snowing! by Gail Gibbons. Beautiful illustrations, fun facts, and more!

*Grab a Bible and a concordance! See how many references you can find to "snow" in the Scriptures. Read and discuss them!

*While the snow is falling, take a piece of black construction paper outside and catch a few snowflakes on it. Study them carefully. No two snowflakes are exactly alike. Each one is unique - just like us! Read and copy Psalm 139:14 as you ponder God's amazing creativity!

*Watch and listen to the local weather reports and keep up to date on current conditions in your area. When you hear cities and counties named, find them on a map.

*Measure the snow in your yard in both inches and centimeters. Measure every so often while the snow is falling and see if you can calculate how much snow is falling per hour.

*Take pictures of the snow at your house and send them along with your measurements to your local news media!

*Write a poem or story about the snow! Make it factual or silly!

* Draw, paint, or color snow pictures!

*Bundle up and head outside for some exercise, fun, and learning! Build a snow sculpture, snowman, or snow fort. Lay down and make snow angels! Look for animal footprints and try to identify them. Shovel the walkway and driveway! Perhaps do this for an elderly neighbor as well. Do some target practice throwing snowballs! If you have any good hills, go sledding!

*Google "How to Make Snow Ice Cream" and give it a try! Or perhaps hot chocolate or a warm bowl of soup sounds better just now?!

*Keep an eye on the temperature outside. Do you know how to convert temps from Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa? See if you can find out the record low for your area. How does today's temp compare?

*Make a plan and gather supplies just in case the electricity goes out. Make a list of things you need, ways to keep warm, foods you can eat, etc.

*Just spend some cozy time reading and playing games together!

How do you spend "snow days" in your family? Share your ideas!!!

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