
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Memory Match Review Games

We are into our 7th week of homeschool for this year. We have kinda gotten into our routine now, and I am always trying to come up with ways to make our days more fun and Big Brother's lessons more engaging. I have also been looking for ways to work with Big Brother on improving his working memory (something he struggles with). So I have made some simple games for this purpose.

I have created a Memory Match Review Game for science and another one for history. These are Big Brother's favorite subjects.

I went through his textbooks and found important vocabulary words, facts, dates, people, etc. and wrote them with marker on index cards.

I used green marker on our science cards and red marker for history so I can keep the games separate. The games will fit nicely in a card box or ziploc bag.

The games are easy to play! First mix the cards well. Then lay out all the cards face down on a table or the floor. The first player turns over two cards. If they are a match, he keeps them. If they are not a match, he turns them back over. Then the next player (or the teacher) takes a turn. Play continues until all the cards have been matched. The player with the most matching sets wins the game.

This could also be played by the student on his own as just a fun way to review concepts or study for a test.

Big Brother loves reviewing what he has learned this way! And he is building up his memory muscles as he plays, too.

A game like this could work for reviewing basically any academic subject on any level.

Have you ever used games to teach or review in your homeschool? Tell me about it!!!

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