
Monday, April 2, 2018

10 Things I Have Learned in 10 Years of Motherhood

The firstborn of my three children is turning 10 years old this month.


A whole decade.

Two hands.

Double digits.

It seems like such a big deal! He is so excited to be hitting this milestone in his life, and I have been doing a lot of reflecting on these 10 years that my name has been "Mommy."

I always wanted to be a mother. As a girl, I practiced my mothering skills on my dolls, my stuffed animals, and my poor little brother. I knew as a mom someday it would be my job to teach my children. I always knew I would homeschool, and I knew it was my job to impart important life lessons to my little ones and to point them to Jesus.

But what I really didn't expect was just how much I would learn along the way on this crazy, beautiful journey called motherhood.

1. Motherhood reveals our imperfections.

Motherhood is real and raw, and has brought to light things in my heart and life that I had never realized were there. God doesn't give us children to raise because we are fully prepared and ready for the job. He gives us children, in part, to continue the process of sanctification and of molding us into the women wants us to be.

2. When I am weak, He is strong.

When I find myself weak, tired, sick or struggling to find wisdom to handle a situation, I can give it to the Lord. Where I am weak, He is strong. Even as an imperfect mother, if I yield my feeble efforts to Him, He never fails to do what I cannot on my own.

3. Children need my presence over presents.

More than anything else, more than all the stuff money could buy, my children want to be with me and to have my full attention. I am convinced one of the greatest gifts we can give our children as mothers is the gift of our time.

4. Babies bounce.

Something my doctor told me back when I was a first time mom expecting Big Brother was that "Babies bounce."

What she was trying to assure me was that children are extremely resilient. God has thankfully made them that way! The truth of the matter is, children are just not that easy to mess up. If you love them (not hard to do) and meet their basic needs for food and shelter (really not hard to do either), they will most likely be just fine.

5. Love multiplies.

When Big Brother was my only child, we had such a close bond I really thought it would be impossible for me to love any other child. But it has been so amazing to experience that loving bond with two more children. What they say is true: love doesn't divide; it multiplies!

6. Laundry, dishes, and LEGOs also multiply.

On a lighter note, I have also learned since becoming a mother that laundry, dishes, LEGO blocks, dust bunnies, and other clutter have the astounding ability to multiply overnight.

7. Less is more.

In our tiny home, the children's toys and books could easily take over our entire living space. I am learning that they really are happier when we keep only the best things and let the rest go. They have more room to play with the things they enjoy when the clutter is out of the way. And with each new baby we have realized more how very little newborns actually need: a car seat, diapers, wipes, a place to sleep, some clothes, and me for food. We are all happier when we have less and truly appreciate it.

But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. 1 Timothy 6:6-8

8. It really is more blessed to give than to receive.

I have learned as a mother that God has wired me to be happier and more fulfilled when I am giving of myself. And Christmas is so much more fun now that I have children! Carefully choosing gifts for them and then watching their joy on Christmas morning is SO much more exciting to me than receiving gifts myself!

9. God's grace in new every day.

God gives me the grace and strength I need when I need it. Each day brings brand new challenges, and so does each stage of motherhood. I have looked back over many long nights of nursing little ones and wondered how in the world I survived on so little sleep. I have been anxious about everything from potty training to teaching reading, but I have found that every time I came to a situation where I needed God's help, He sent it right on time.

It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-23

10. Time flies, and life is short.

Time really does seem to move faster now that I am a mother. Ten years has come and gone at a dizzying speed. That tells me I have got to make careful use of the time I have left. My children only get one childhood, and I want their memories to be sweet. I want to be able to look back on child rearing from my empty nest with fondness and not regret. Life is too short to spend it fretting over the all the housework that will always be there or stressing out over every little thing that comes along. I want to spend my time wisely focused on simply teaching, loving, and enjoying these sweet blessings God has been so good to give me.

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