Thursday, March 26, 2015

Jesus and the Children

Then were there brought unto him little children, that he should put his hands on them, and pray: and the disciples rebuked them.

But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

And he laid his hands on them, and departed thence.

(Matthew 19:13-15)

As I read this account during my Bible study this morning, I thought of Jesus' example to us in His attitude toward children.

His disciples thought of the children as unimportant. They veiwed them as a nuisance and a hinderance. They rebuked the parents for bringing the children to Jesus. Surely their Master was much too busy and imoportant to be bothered with mere children!

Have you ever known someone who viewed children this way? Perhaps we ourselves have been like the disciples at times, too busy and caught up in our own grown up lives to care about a child's needs or join in their activities.

But Jesus was not too busy for the children at all. He did not just tolerate them, He wanted them to come! He wanted to have them near Him where they too could hear His teaching. He did not belittle the children or make light of them in any way. He cared about their needs enough that He prayed for them. He showed His tender love for them by physically placing His hands on them. He took time to aknowledge the children and to hail them as shining examples of the kingdom of God.

I want to have the same attitude of love and care toward children that Jesus displayed in this passage. Instead of being annoyed at a child's silliness or their mistakes, I should enjoy the sweetness of their innocence and take time to show them genuine care and understanding.

If I am too busy to enjoy a silly game, too caught up in my own problems to kiss a hurt elbow, or too self-absorbed to answer curious questions, then I am not following the Lord's example.

To be loved by a child is absolutely one of the most amazing blessings a person can ever experience in this life. May we take time to learn from these little ones and never take our precious children for granted!

What is your attitude toward children? Do you genuinely love them like Jesus? Or are you more of a "Scrooge" like the disciples?

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