
Thursday, November 19, 2015

The ABC's of Homeschool Advice

If you have been reading this blog for a while, you know that I am a homeschool graduate who is now a homeschool mom. I was homeschooled for 7 years, and my 3rd grade son is currently in his 5th year of homeschooling.

Today I want to share with you what I am calling "The ABC'S of Homeschool Advice." Some of these are inspirational; some are more practical, but hopefully all will be helpful!

A - Accept your God-given calling as a parent to teach your children.

B - Begin each day with God.

C - Character building is more important than any academic subject.

D - Dress for the day. (This was one of my mom's rules that I have continued in our homeschool. Yes, we could spend the day in our PJs...but we feel more alert and ready to learn if we are dressed.)

E - Enjoy your children!

F - Follow your child's interests.

G - Give your children opportunities to serve others: beginning with their own family.

H - Homeschooling does not always have to happen at home! Take field trips, go on nature walks, and meet up with friends for co-op classes.

I - Inspire your children to love learning new things.

J - Join HSLDA!

K - Keep good records of your homeschooling adventures.

L - Let go of the public school's schedule, methods, and mindset.

M - Motivate your children with positive reinforcement. "You'll catch more flies with honey than vinegar!"

N - Never let school interfere with your child's education. (From a quote by Mark Twain)

O - Object to further state regulation of homeschooling!

P - Protect your marriage. Don't let all the busyness of homeschooling cause you to neglect your relationship with your spouse.

Q - Quit worrying about "socialization!"

R - Read. A. Lot. 'Nuff said

S - Surround yourself with people who will support you in your decision to homeschool and will be there for you along the way. A good support group, family members, and church family can all be a blessing!

T - Turn off the TV and interact with your family.

U - Understand that each child is unique with his or her own strengths, weaknesses, interests, and learning styles.

V - Visit your local library regularly.

W - Workboxes are a lifesaver!

X - EXcitement is contagious! When you get excited about your homeschool activities, your children will likely follow your lead.

Y - You know your children better than anyone else. You ARE qualified to teach them.

Z - Zoom through your housework by implementing easy routines.

I hope you found this little ABC list helpful! At some point I would like to do a blog post focussing on each of these little nuggets of wisdom one at a time. What other homeschool advice could you share?

Linking up at: I Choose Joy, Growing in Grace, Fellowship Friday, Faith Filled Friday, TGI Saturday, Dare to Share

1 comment:

  1. As a homeschooling Mom I totally agree with your list. I especially like the get dressed part. It is so easy to just stay in pjs, but I have found that when we do, we definitely do not get as much done. Great tips! :)


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