
Saturday, January 10, 2015

Our Homeschool Curriculum 2014-2015 2nd Grade

Anytime a couple homeschool moms meet each other for the first time, what is one of the first questions they ask each other?

"What curriculum do you use?"

When my parents began homeschooling in the mid-late 90's, there weren't nearly as many options to choose from as there are today. You didn't have as many co-ops, websites, blogs, and companies that marketed to homeschoolers as we have today. Homeschooling was not nearly as commonplace, and in fact, it was a big deal to even meet another homeschooling family in your area! :) Most families I knew including ours used any of a certain few curriculum publishers like ABeka, Christian Liberty, ACE, Rod & Staff, or Bob Jones.

Today we still have all of these and SO many more to choose from!! So it is always interesting to get new ideas and find out what others are doing along their homeschooling journey.

This year Big Brother is in 2nd grade. We just started back to school Jan. 5th after a nice long, lazy Christmas break! Getting back on schedule was hard on all of us, even Little Brother, but we still accomplished a lot. :)

So for anyone who wants to know, here's what Big Brother is doing this year here at Shield of Faith Homeschool:

Bible - some notebooking/theme studies and now using 90 Devotions for Kids from Adventures in Odyssey

Spelling - Rod & Staff Grade 2

Phonics - 1992 version of Hooked on Phonics

Reading - Rod & Staff Bible Nurture & Reader series Grade 2 (We started the year using the workbooks, but they became way too much busywork for a busy 6 year old! So he reads the story and then either gives me an oral narration or acts it out. Much more fun!)

English - Rod & Staff Grade 2 (Love this!! He already knows way more about grammar than I knew when I left public school in 4th grade...and I was considered gifted.)

Math - Rod & Staff Grade 2 (Love this as well!)

Social Studies - 1st semester/ABeka Our America 2nd Grade History 2nd semester/States & Capitals & reading lots of biographies

Science - We are notebooking our way through topics like plants, animals, the Ice Age, dinosaurs, Creation, astronomy, weather, human body, and more!! Lots of projects and various resources.


Music - Piano Course for Christians, Co-Op Handbell Choir and Recorder Band

Art - Painting, Drawing, PlayDoh, Coloring, etc. Very basic. :)

Letter Writing - Big Brother has 2 penpals near his age in other states who he writes to a few times a month. They send letters and pictures. Lots of fun and a great way to get him writing!

Cursive - Teaching this myself. I am going by the suggested teaching order from HWWT. He has a notebook and I simply demonstrate each letter, give him some letters and words to practice, and I watch to make sure he's doing it correctly. No need for a fancy curriculum here.

P.E. - Horseback Riding lessons, Speed Stacks Cup Stacking, and little boy things like bike riding and baseball with Dad :)

Literature - We have at least half an hour every day where I read to them both good wholesome literature. Big Brother also reads some just for fun independently and is a huge fan of audiobooks. (He's listened to over 20 in the past 2 months, and is currently enjoying Pilgrim's Progress!) At some point I hope to post some of our favorite series and books.

Our homeschool group also offers monthly field trips and a few co-op classes. He is really looking forward to the Learning with LEGO class that is coming up!

Of course Little Brother is learning, too! :) Just this week he has been learning to pull up, tasting new foods, learning to play Pat-a-Cake, and signing "Mommy" in ASL! He loves to hear Big Brother play our big upright piano and sometimes gets to sit on the bench and play his own little tunes! :) I look forward to posting more about him as well soon!

So, what do you think of our curriculum choices? Are they similar to or different from yours? I would love to hear your comments! And don't forget to subscribe!! Lots of neat things will be happening here soon, and you won't want to miss it!!

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